
SEO Tactics for Indie Hackers: 2023 Best Practices

Marketing & Growth

Gear up indie-hackers, we’re diving deep into the seemingly labyrinthine world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In the ever-evolving cyberspace, SEO still remains an essential survival technique. But hey, before your eyebrows rise in panic, let me assure you that this is not your run-of-the-mill, jargon-laded guide. Instead, we’re spiralling into 2023, bringing you the hottest and freshest SEO tactics, tailor-made for indie hackers like us. This is the year where we no longer just nod along to terms like ‘metatags’ or ‘SERP’, but rather, own them. Cutting through the buzzwords, let’s demystify SEO and wield it to our advantage. Ready to power boost your digital footprint? Let’s get cracking.

Understanding SEO for Indie Hackers

To cast light on SEO for Indie Hackers, it’s essential to decode it from its acronym first – Search Engine Optimization. But before we tackle the “optimization” bit, let’s root ourselves with the knowledge of what exactly a search engine is. In the simplest terms, a search engine is a web-based software system developed to search and locate information on the World Wide Web – this can be your friend Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other system you use to find stuff online.

But here’s the kicker, folks: these search engines don’t just display any random information; they utilize sophisticated and complex algorithms to search through the vast digital universe, to present us with the most relevant and valuable information based on our search query. Imagine shifting through billions of pages on the internet, and selecting the most useful ones based on intricate ranking factors, all within seconds. That’s the superpower search engines have.

This is where SEO steps in. It is the practice of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. As a nomad and indie hacker, you don’t just want to exist in the digital space; you want to stand tall, be visible, get discovered by your audience, and make your mark. And let’s be real clear – SEO is not just about getting your website to rank higher in search results or bringing more traffic; it’s about ensuring this traffic is relevant. It’s about attracting visitors who are genuinely interested in the products or services you offer. That’s what quality traffic means.

To paint a clear picture, imagine being an indie hacker who has launched a revolutionary new open source software tool. Your product is top-notch, but if your target audience – other fellow indie hackers, let’s say – doesn’t discover you online, your efforts might end up in vain. Here, the significance of SEO becomes indisputable. By optimizing your website for search engines, you chip away at the digital invisibility cloak, ensuring your potential users can find you and the solution you offer when they need it most.

SEO, for an indie hacker or any digital nomad, is not an option; it’s a necessity. It’s your flashlight in the dark maze of the digital world. By embracing it, you prepare yourself to not just survive, but thrive in this ever-competitive digital space.

What is SEO?

Ok, so let’s dive right in. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Now, you might be wondering – what’s that all about? It’s a fancy phrase that’s been buzzing around ever since the introduction of the internet – and it’s more relevant today than ever before.

Here’s the deal; SEO is all about making sure your website or blog ranks at the top of search engine result pages, or SERPs if you want to get technical. Think Google, Bing, Yahoo – they all use SEO practices. This is crazy important, because let’s face it, how often do you scroll to the second page of Google? It’s less often than seeing a Triple Rainbow, right?

Now, why is it relevant in today’s digital age? Just think about how many times you use Google in a day. It’s become part of our everyday lives, like catching waves or hunting down the best food spot. We live in a digital world now, where *content is king*.

SEO helps to ensure that your content is seen, read, and shared by others. It’s the modern-day equivalent of standing on a stage and shouting, except your voice is carried across continents. The beauty of SEO is anyone can learn it – you don’t need to be a tech-whizz or a digital guru. All it requires is *patience, creativity,* and *consistency*.

What’s the catch you might wonder? There isn’t one. With the right SEO tactics, you have the power to get your message out there. It’s like having a powerful motor behind the wheel of your van – you’ll be zooming ahead in no time.

So, SEO is your compass in the digital wilderness, guiding you towards that number one spot in search engine results. As indie hackers, it’s our bread and butter – it’s how we get our voice heard in a noisy, digital world. Let’s collectively harness the power of SEO and continue to make waves in the digital realm.

Integrating SEO into your digital content isn’t just a trend, it’s a must. It’s the secret sauce behind getting your blog posts, your products, heck – your entire online presence – ranking up there with the big ones. With SEO, we are able to carve out our own niche in this vast digital landscape. It’s time to dive in head first, and let the magic of SEO reveal itself. Get ready, indie hackers – 2023 is our year!

The Importance of SEO for Indie Hackers

In the modern, digital-first world, where everyone is hell-bent on carving out their niche, if you’re an indie hacker, you simply cannot choose to ignore SEO. Now, this isn’t just some fancy buzzword to give your web presence a jolt. No, it’s something that has undeniably become a critical factor in defining your online visibility.

Why bother, you might ask? Well, here’s the deal: indie hackers thrive on originality and disruption. The framework you’re building upon isn’t just unique but also emboldens a faction of like-minded individuals to rally around your innovation. But how will your tribe find you in this vast internet wilderness? SEO is your loudspeaker, your beacon in the dense digital fog.

So why exactly do you need SEO? Visibility. This is the first word that needs to be etched into your mind. Internet space is incredibly vast and not just anyone can wander in and claim a spot in these territories. Search engine algorithms – those brutally unbiased echelons of code that determine your place in the digital pecking order- decide your fate. SEO submission is not a pleading appeal to them but more of a determined, consistent effort to make your rightful place known.

Next up, organic traffic. As an indie hacker, you know there’s no better validation than authentic traffic that comes in from people who believe in what you’re building. SEO helps you reach out to these industry savants and casual browsers alike, organically drawing them in with smart optimization of your content, keywords, and meta tags.

As you go about perfecting your SEO spells, remember, to stand out, you must pick a fight with obscurity. Claim a name for yourself! Yes, shout out to the world that you’re here! Establishing that digital presence is crucial, and SEO is your magic wand that casts the right spells.

Just like Rome wasn’t built in a day, your SEO efforts should be a marathon, not a sprint. So buckle up and start thinking long term. Be sure to keep up with the latest trends and algorithm updates to fine-tune your strategy as you go along.

Let SEO be your compass as you set out on this unpredictable yet exciting journey of being an indie hacker. Arm yourself with the knowledge of SEO best practices and remember that this is an ever-evolving space. Just like you’ve learned to adapt and innovate in your journey, learn to adapt your SEO strategy to stay ahead.

Your survival in this digital ecosystem depends on it. So, seize the day and let SEO work its magic for you. After all, it’s all about being visible in this vast, unforgiving digital landscape.

2023 SEO Best Practices for Indie Hackers

This ain’t your grandad’s SEO. The rules of the game have changed and it’s no longer just about stuffing your content with keywords. If anything, SEO in 2023 is all about understanding your audience’s needs, packing value into your content, and leveraging the latest technologies and practices to stay ahead of the pack. Let’s dive right into the 2023 best practices for indie hackers to master SEO.

First off, content is still king. The focus here is on creating content that delivers value to your audience. It’s no longer about writing for search engines; it’s about writing for people. While keywords do still play a role in SEO, the rise of semantic search has made it mandatory for content to be relevant, valuable, and contextually rich. Google and other search engines are getting really good at understanding the search intent – what users are actually looking for when they type in certain queries. As an indie hacker, you need to have a solid understanding of who your audience is and what they care about. Ensure your content always meets their needs and provides solutions to their challenges.

Another growing trend in SEO is core web vitals. Search engines aren’t just looking at your content, they’re evaluating how your website performs as a whole. Your site’s speed, security, mobile-friendliness, and user experience have a direct impact on your rankings. Using tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights can provide a broad overview of how your website is performing and highlight areas that need improvement. As a nomad hacker, having an optimized, user-friendly site is just as important as having great content.

Thirdly, link building, while being a challenging aspect of SEO, cannot be ignored. It’s not just the quantity but the quality of the links that matters. In fact, a solid link from a reputable source far outweighs a bunch of low-quality ones. The tipping point here is to create link-worthy content. This means writing posts that others naturally want to reference and link to. It’s about producing unique insights, original research, or valuable guides that no one else is offering.

Lastly, the growing influence of Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) cannot be overlooked. With tools like Google’s RankBrain and BERT, search engine algorithms are evolving at an unprecedented pace. Adopting AI and ML tools can give you a competitive edge in understanding search patterns and user behavior, enabling you to enhance your SEO efforts considerably.

These practices aren’t just about staying relevant in the SEO game – they’re about standing out and setting the pace. As an indie hacker, you’re never one to follow the crowd, so seize these opportunities to innovate and succeed where others don’t. Stay resourceful, stay hungry.

Quality Content Creation

In the world of indie hacking, every move you make influences your project’s fate. The project’s lifeblood is the quality of its content. But here’s what you need to understand, quality content creation is less about blowing minds with innovative ideas and more about value delivery in a simple, engaging manner. The crux is to make your message clear and your content accessible.

Choosing gripping topics is the first step to mark. It’s like packing for an endless journey as a digital nomad, assessing what the audience needs from you and what it values. It goes beyond throwing darts in the dark and hoping they land somewhere. It’s about understanding the zeitgeist and being relevant, whether you’re discussing tech advances, lifestyle trends, or the path to profitable indie hacking.

Once you’ve zeroed in on your topic, crafting an irresistible headline is your next mission. Think of it as your calling card, the first impression you make. It’s the virtual equivalent of walking into a room with an unforgettable outfit. Your headline should have oomph, it should be click-worthy without compromising the essence of the content. Remember, “Clickbait might attract immediate attention, but genuine, effective headlines build trust over time.”

But all this only works if your content brings value. Imagine globetrotting and networking with fellow travelers. You need to keep the conversation engaging to maintain their interest. Similarly, in the blogosphere, delivering actionable, unique perspectives ensures you aren’t merely adding to the noise but rising above it.

Content, in today’s world, isn’t merely words plastered on a webpage. It’s associating feeling with those symbols. It’s crafting narratives that compel, inspire, and motivate. As an indie hacker, you’re not just a content creator; you’re a storyteller. Each blog post you publish is a chapter of your journey that encourages others to embark on their own.

Write as if you’re sharing your passion for indie hacking with a close companion around a bonfire. Be honest, be simple, and above all, be human. Encourage engagement, foster a sense of community, and continue to imbue every word you write with the love and dedication inherent to indie hacking.

On-Page and Off-Page SEO Techniques

When we talk about SEO, we’re talking about the lifeblood of any digital entity. For you, my fellow indie hackers out there, it’s like your van’s gas tank or your travel bag’s zipper. How smoothly things run and hold up is key. In that spirit, let’s dive right into on-page and off-page SEO as the turbo-charger that ignites the fuel which takes your site – your online “home” – where you want it to go.

On-page and off-page SEO might sound like hacker lingo, but they’re just parts of the SEO puzzle. They have differences, sure, but they unite on one front: they’re your best mates for ranking your site and making your digital presence felt.

Picture this. You’ve got a rad invention, created in the back of your van or co-working space, and it’s your ticket to financial independence. You’re pumped, ready to share it with the world. But here’s the kicker, without solid SEO, it could mean getting lost in the digital abyss. That’s where on-page and off-page SEO techniques come in.

On-page SEO is like setting up your camp for the night. You own the process. It focuses on optimizing parts of your website that are under your control. This could be anything from tailoring website content around carefully researched keywords to structuring URLs in a way that search engines find palatable. It’s also about enhancing technicalities like HTML tags, slugs and the creation of engaging, quality content. Why? Well, it’s all geared to make your site more attractive to search engines. Like making fire to ward off critters at night… only here the critters are poor rankings.

Now let’s talk about Off-page SEO. It’s all about enhancing your site’s credibility and reliability. Think of it as your reputation in the nomadic community. Yes, it’s all about how often you’re mentioned elsewhere—backlinks—essentially digital word-of-mouth. Off-page SEO involves measures taken outside of your website like link building, social media marketing, and influencer marketing. It’s akin to lacing up your best hiking boots for a trek. You’re ready to step outside of your comfort zone for better visibility and trustworthiness leading to healthy organic traffic.

The real score, my wayfaring friends, is that SEO isn’t just about understanding algorithms but about understanding people: what they’re searching for online, the answers they seek, the words they use, and the type of content they wish to consume. As indie hackers, the most valuable skill we can master is adaptability, whether that’s working from mountain tops or optimizing websites. Remember, we’re in a rapidly changing digital landscape, our survival depends on how well we adapt. The on-page and off-page SEO techniques are essential tools in your digital nomad toolkit.

On-Page SEO Techniques

There’s a simple truth that indie hackers recognize: command your SEO, or watch your online visibility crumble. That grizzly existential crisis isn’t just for kicks—it’s a stark reminder to challenge the status quo and consistently improve.

Kicking off with on-page SEO, it’s akin to polishing your product. It’s the work of refining details, instead of churning out one app after another on Google Play. Sure, it’s not as glamorous, but it’s these details that propel you into the spotlight.

Firstly, let’s dissect the ballpark figure—keyword optimization. For any indie hacker worth their salt, poor keyword choices are similar to shouting into a void. Your solution might be groundbreaking, but if it’s not what people are searching for, Google might as well consider your site a ghost town. The trick here? Think like your audience. What are the terms they are plugging into that search bar? Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, or SEMrush – these are your compass in the vast SEO wilderness.

Next in line are those ugly ducklings in the world of search engine optimization—meta-tags. They don’t get much love, but they’re just as indispensable. It’s all about being the most eye-catching snippet in that list of search results. Your title tag and meta description are your first hook to the consumer. Make it count.

Now, your headers aren’t just a design feature to break up text—they’re the breadcrumb trail for Google’s crawlers. Neglecting your headers, specifically the H1s and H2s, is like turning off your porch light for visitors. These headers empower search engines to understand and gauge the relevance of your page’s content.

Speaking about relevance, let’s not forget about website design. It’s no longer just about aesthetics. Loading speed, mobile optimization, intuitive navigation – these are factors that contribute to your site’s SEO score. A user-friendly and fast-loading website tells search engines that your page is a hot spot, worth ranking up there.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember, these SEO practices are not a one-and-done deal. They require consistent work, adaptation, and ingenuity – much like coding that killer app. But, the results are well worth the effort. The higher you rank on search results, the more traffic you attract. And more traffic equals more opportunities to convert visitors into users. Besides, who doesn’t like being No. 1?

SEO isn’t a secret weapon, it’s a tool that every indie hacker should have in their arsenal. Optimizing these on-page factors can create significant leaps in your site’s ranking. So, keep pushing boundaries, keep innovating, because with the right SEO tactics, the world of digital nomads can be your playground.

Off-Page SEO Techniques

With the rise of digital nomads and indie hackers, the internet has become more akin to the wild west. You have to constantly stay ahead of the curve to remain visible and impact your desired audience. One way to accomplish this is by leveraging off-page SEO techniques.

To start, let’s step a little bit out of our comfort zone and familiarize ourselves with the rather mystical phenomenon of backlinks. In essence, a backlink is a vote of confidence from one website to another. The more quality backlinks your blog has, the more favorable it appears in the eyes of search engine algorithms.

Now, you may wonder, “How do I build these so-called backlinks?” Well, it’s all about creating engaging, share-worthy content, and then tapping into your network of fellow indie hackers, digital nomads, and like-minded entrepreneurs.

Consider initiating collaborations with those who share similar interests or target audiences. Guest blogging is a fantastic and fairly easy way to earn high-quality backlinks. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to project your voice to other platforms, broadening your reach.

Then, we have the somewhat nebulous world of social signals. These signals involve likes, shares, retweets, reactions, and comments happening on social media platforms. Google might not publicly admit it, but these signals do carry weight in ranking algorithms.

Bear in mind, it’s not just about blind accumulation. The quality and relevance of these interactions matter. Engagement with your content on a platform full of fellow indie hackers and digital minds carries a lot more weight than likes from a generic audience. So focus your energy on cultivating a solid community.

Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about outreach programs. These programs involve connecting with influencers, bloggers, and site owners within your niche. The idea is to establish a relationship where you can offer high-quality content, news, or some form of value. In return, you receive a backlink, a shout-out, or some other form of endorsement from a well-respected source.

Remember, authenticity is the key here. Forge genuine relationships rather than approaching people with a transactional mindset. The world of indie hacking is small, tight-knit, and based on trust. Keep your interaction personalized and value-based, and you should do just fine. It might seem daunting at first, but don’t just abandon ship. Embrace these strategies as exciting part of your indie hacking journey. Keep learning, keep sharing, and let’s all rise together.

Mobile SEO in 2023

In the digital nomad playground, indie hackers are making the game rules, and there’s no denying that 2023 is the year of Mobile SEO. The truth is, we live in a world where phone-in-hand syndrome has become a phenomenon, and it’s a space ripe for taking.

Real talk – if your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you’re leaving money on the table. Our handy little devices have become a bread and butter for browsing and googling — it’s just plain facts. In fact, according to Statista, over half of the globe’s web traffic comes from mobile devices. That’s a slew of potential visibility, impressions and conversions you’re missing out on if your website isn’t singing the tune of mobile compatibility.

It’s no longer about making your website ‘mobile-friendly’. That’s so 2022. The future is about building your website ‘mobile-first’. Google itself is shifting to ‘mobile-first indexing’, which means Google predominantly uses the mobile version of your content for indexing and ranking. This might come as a shock if your site isn’t up to speed, right? But not to worry. This breakdown isn’t about forcing a sudden website overhaul. It’s about optimizing your current setup to give it a mobile SEO twist.

The rise of AMP, the darling of the mobile SEO world, is worth noting. AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It’s like the jet fuel for your web pages on mobile devices. Traditional websites can be clunky and slower on mobile, but AMP versions are lightweight, fast, and extra user-friendly. An increase in page speed means an improved user experience, and we all know what that leads to: higher engagement and better conversion rates.

The importance of mobile SEO isn’t just about staying ahead in Google’s algorithms though. It’s about being where your users are, providing them with a better experience, and leading the pack of indie hackers that get it.

It’s about paving the digital roads less traveled, making them available to a wider audience, and building your empire – one mobile search at a time. And hey, remember this saying, “_It’s not about being everywhere, it’s about being everywhere it matters_”. Let us strengthen your mobile SEO game in 2023, one hack at a time.

Voice Search Optimization

Let’s get it straight, as indie hackers, we’ve all felt the ground shift beneath our feet. We’re living in a digital age where voice search is quickly rising, becoming a part of our everyday lives. We use it on our phones, smart-speakers, even in our cars. And this surge in voice search isn’t about to slow down. In fact, according to Comscore, 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2023.

Now, as the adage goes, “Change is the only constant.” It’s indisputable that in order to stay competitive, one has to adapt and innovate constantly. Hence, you need a rock solid strategy to optimize your website and content for voice search.

Firstly, understand that optimizing for voice search is all about getting into the shoes of your user. Most voice searches come in the form of questions. Users typically ask a smart assistant a question and expect an immediate and accurate response. So, make sure your content explicitly answers those questions. The goal here is to create ‘snackable’ answers that Google and other voice assistants will favour.

But, how exactly do you come up with these answers? One way is to undertake extensive keyword research informed by natural language processing. Tools like AnswerThePublic can help in this regard. They’ll provide you with the most common questions asked around a particular keyword. From there, you can draft concise responses and integrate them seamlessly into your content.

Moreover, remember that Google and other voice assistants will typically favour websites that have strong domain authority. That means, your backlinks have to be on point. In this ever-evolving digital landscape, backlinks are still king. Aim for high-quality backlinks to boost your SEO strength.

Drop the technical jargon. Write like you speak. The content should be easily understandable, with a simple structure, clear headlines, and bullet points. Be conversational. After all, it’s a ‘voice’ search.

And lastly, don’t forget to keep the basics of SEO intact. As much as voice search is about new technology and innovation, it’s also about the basic, bread-and-butter fundamentals of SEO – things like your sitemap, meta description, and header tags.

Voice search optimisation isn’t rocket science. Stay focused on the user, do your keyword research and keep creating high-quality backlinks. Remember, as nomadic indie hackers, we’re all about hacking the system and adapting to new technologies. And voice search is just the next frontier we need to conquer.

SEO Tools for Indie Hackers

Hey there, fellow nomads and indie hackers. In our community, we need clever strategies to break through the noise online, right? And SEO is one of the best ways for us to do just that. In this guide, we’re not just going to brush up on ‘what is SEO,’ trust me, we’re going beyond that. We’re exploring the most resourceful SEO tools you probably haven’t even heard of, both free and paid, tailored made for indie hackers like ourselves in 2023.

Let’s start with Ubersuggest. What’s not to love about this tool? If you’re trying to bootstrap your blog or website, this is your go-to, since it’s free. Ubersuggest excels at giving you a top-level view of your website’s performance or your competitors’. It’s straightforward – punch in a domain or keyword and feast on the data.

Then we have Ahrefs. This isn’t free but a solid investment for anyone who’s serious about SEO. Whether you need detailed keyword analysis or intricate backlink profiles, Ahrefs can do it all. Plus, I hear they have a badass SEO audit tool, which is absolutely vital if you want to fine-tune those all-important meta tags.

Surfer SEO is another goldmine in the world of SEO tools. Surfer SEO provides a complete SEO suite that helps you analyze your on-page SEO score, find keyword opportunities, and evaluate SERPs. But don’t worry, it’s not as technical as it sounds. The slick interface and user-friendly design won’t leave you lost in the wilderness.

Lastly, let’s talk about Semrush. Picture yourself on a big climbing adventure, but instead of hiking, you’re navigating your way up the Google rankings. With Semrush, you have your SEO climbing gear – comprehensive keyword research, traffic analytics, competitive research, and all the SEO data bells and whistles that you could think of. Yes, it’s a premium tool, but in the end, every foot you climb on Google’s rock face of rankings counts.

Remember, every tool has its strengths and quirks. It’s essential to pick tools that fit your unique journey as an indie hacker. Stop dreaming of scaling mountains. Start climbing them, one optimized web page at a time.


Sure, not everyone is an SEO whiz, right? Here’s the good news: you don’t have to be. Being an indie hacker isn’t about knowing everything, it’s about knowing where to find the answers. Shall we cover some frequently asked SEO questions that seem to come up on repeat?

Firstly, there’s no silver bullet when it comes to SEO. “What is the best SEO practice?” is a question that gets thrown around a lot. It’s a bit like asking what is the best route to take on a road trip. The answer? It depends. Websites, like journeys, are unique. But, let’s boil it down to the essence: it’s about creating valuable content that resonates with your audience and ensuring your site is technically sound.

Many indie hackers are perplexed by the question, “Should I focus on on-page or off-page optimization?” Actually, it’s not an either-or proposition. Think of it this way: your ‘on-page’ tactics are your vehicle, while ‘off-page’ tactics are the high-quality fuel powering it. Both are essential to race ahead.

Another head-scratcher is, “Are SEO tools worth the investment?” Whilst they aren’t strictly necessary, they can make your indie hacker life a lot easier. Tools like SEMrush, Moz, or Ahrefs simplify complex SEO processes and discover opportunities you might miss otherwise. Kind of like using GPS instead of a big, clumsy map. Sure, both will get you to your destination, but one is much more efficient.

Also, because Google is constantly updating its algorithm, you might wonder, “How often should I perform SEO?” The answer here is a lot like the indie hacker ethos: constantly improve, constantly evolve. SEO is no set-it-and-forget-it task. It’s a continuous battle to stay visible and relevant.

Finally, the question that’s on everyone’s lips; “Why isn’t my site showing up on Google?” Often, it’s a technical issue. Maybe your site is new and hasn’t been indexed yet. Perhaps there’s a crawl error, or it could be something more sinister, like a penalty. Don’t stress, though. With persistent troubleshooting and a dash of patience, most problems can be resolved.